First, let me thank you all for coming today to honor my father and pay your
respects. On behalf of my mother, Lisa, Robyn and the rest of the Dyer clan, please
know that your presence today is very special and appreciated.

As I went about trying to put my thoughts together for the memorial today, it was
a first. I have always been blessed with the gift of gab and although I give many
presentations and teach often through out the year, I have never had to prepare my
comments word for word. Today, I was pretty sure that it was going to take my very best
just to be able to get through my comments and I must therefore resort to reading, and for
that I apologize in advance. I figure, better to say what needs to be said then to get
choked up the whole time.

I guess one of the perks of growing up as a “PAK” that’s short for Probate
Attorney’s Kid (in honor of Pastor Leuning, who is the “king of Acronyms”) is that you
have the privilege of attending more than your fair share of funerals. Despite the number,
there is no way to prepare for the loss of someone that is special to you. In our office, it
seems that we have been in morning for the past month with the passing of Suleiman
Saigh, the father of my good friend and associate Chuck Saigh. Our attempts to support
Chuck and his family through the loss of Sam has been more than returned during our
time of loss and we thank you for everything, that really does mean all of you (that is a
pretty big thank you if you know the Saigh clan). It helps to know that Sam and my
father are enjoying a drink together in heaven.

As I began to prepare for my remarks, I had a hard time figuring out how one
goes about talking about a person who has been such a big part of shaping your life; you
attempt to describe one particular area only to leave out the so many others? I am blessed
to have had such a relationship with my father and would not have it any other way. I
tried to organize my thoughts in chronological order but after writing four pages of notes,
I was concerned I might lose some of you after the first hour. So, I figured the best way
to describe my father would be through the attributes that I most admired about him and
hope and pray that I can model them in my own life.

Love – there was no one with a bigger heart than my father. There was no
individual that I can think of that my father did not get along with, he was just one of
those souls that always found the good in people. He truly modeled unconditional love to
me, my family and all of my friends. I was certain of this when my father agreed to
represent me and two of my friends for J walking in high school. My father did not treat
this as some petty crime, as far as I was concerned he was going to take this to the highest
Court if necessary.

Joy – My father was a man that was full of Joy. We have shared many of the
pictures of my father from over the years, and although most people have to be directed
to smile in pictures, my father was not one that often had to be directed to this. His smile
was contagious and he was never one to complain. Even in the last few years when his
health was declining it was very rare that my father would complain about his situation
and he always was quick to speak joy into another spirit.
Peace – My father was always at peace and desired it for all. Growing up, my
sister and I did not always “get along”. In fact, like all good siblings, we fought like cats
and dogs. My father’s favorite saying was “Someday your mother and I are not going to
be around and it will only be the two of you, so you better get along.” He was always the
consummate peacemaker.

Patience – During my youth, my father always made of point to be at the
important events and games. This was not the best part for my father. The important
time to him was the time that he got to listen to each and every detail that my sister or I
wanted to share regarding the events of the day. I am certain there never has been nor
likely will there ever be someone that is such an unselfish listener as my father. He
never skimped on listening to all of the gory details, regardless of how boring it might
have been.

Kindness – My father would give you the shirt off of his own back if you asked
for it. My father helped several of my mother’s family to immigrate to the United States.
When they would relocate, my father was the first to volunteer to begin teaching them
English. Both my Aunt Dara and Cousin Payow studied cosmetology while they stayed
with my parents after coming to the US from Thailand. I am sure that my father was able
to translate all of the terms for bob cut, teasing and any other hair style that was in at that
time. His kindness seemed endless.

Faithfulness – If you ever discussed religion with my father you would know that
he fancied himself a free thinker, never to be restricted to a denomination or particular
Christian faith.. My father never forced his views of religion on anyone, let along his
own children. When my second set of parents, Bill and Cathy McCullough, were kind
enough to drag me along with them to church with my good friend, Doug, my Dad never
discouraged my pursuit to reach my own conclusions about God. My father completely
embodied the tenants of one of his passions, Freemasonry, which requires the belief in a
Supreme Being, but does not endorse one religion over another. I have many a
wonderful memories of discussions regarding religion with my father. On several
occasion he specifically assured me that he had accepted Christ as his savior and that he
would see me in Heaven. How much sweeter a statement can a son who adores his father
ask for.

Gentleness – My father was not the disciplinarian in our family; my mother had
that well under control, in fact I am pretty sure she could still do some pretty good
damage today if called into action. There are so few memories of my father ever getting
angry at my sister or I for any reason. Whether we were “borrowing” dimes from his
parking meter stash to use for the ice cream truck or completely totaling the old pickup
truck on a camping trip with Shawn and Butch, my father never raised his voice or
showed anger. He was a gentle man through and through.

Although my father would never have been one to identify all of these traits as
“fruits of the spirit” as described in Galatians 5:22, I believe them to be. I know that my
father was a blessed man and that he was spiritual in all things he did.

As I wrap up my remarks today, I wanted to share with you all one more story.
Two weeks before my father passed away, my wife and my kids, my sister, my mother in
law and father in law, and the Bone family were able to take my father on a cruise. I
name all that accompanied us on the cruise because it really was a joint effort and my
father referred to us as “his crew.” In any event, in the weeks leading up to the cruise,
both my father and mother requested that I reconsider taking my father along with us on
the cruise because of the difficulty he was having with his mobility. Fortunately for me,
once in a great while I can be stubborn, and I did not give in and my father came along
with us on what would be his final voyage. He got to enjoy sun on the deck, the fresh sea
air in his face, a massage, great meals, some gambling, and some wonderful company if I
don’t say so myself. There could be no better gift that my father or God could have given
to us now in retrospect and I am thankful for our time together.

Upon my father’s return from the cruise he was very tired and his condition began
to rapidly decline. As with the rest of my father’s life, God provided once again. My
cousin, Tim Marderosian, was able to provide respite care to my father. Tim was an
answer to prayer and I am not sure he knows that. Tim was also with my father when he
passed away and was there to help my mom through such a traumatic event. Timmy, I
hope you will always know how much I appreciate all that you gave my father in his last
few weeks of life; to you I am forever indebted and thank you.
I know that this day is a celebration of my father’s life, but I would be remiss if I
did not recognize my mother for all of the care that she provided my father in the last
several years of his life. She has been devoted to my father for some 46 years and I know
that the last several years have been hard. Mom I am certain and I hope that you know,
that we would not have been blessed with Dad’s presence without your tireless efforts.
Know that he is at rest in heaven and will be watching over you until the time comes for
you to meet again.

There were so many people that were important to my father and in order to make
sure we finish this service before sundown, I know I cannot recognize them all. I did
want to make sure I recognized the wonderful group of people that make up our law firm.
This last week has not been very pleasant, but I have not received anything but support
from all of the Dyer & Ferris team. I wanted to thank our family friend, Bill Gumbert
with Messinger’s mortuary; Bill, I know that this is your profession but I appreciate your
treating us like family. My father made so many long time friends/family through work –
Aunt Kay, Aunt Billie, Wayne Clouser, Nancy Elliston, Greg & Peg Dovico, and Jim &
Cristy Bone, thank you all. I know his time in Eastern Star was precious as well Betty
and Fred Rupert, Linda Beck and Susan Warren, thank you for giving him his time in the

Finally, before I close, I wanted to thank Pastor Leuning and my Desert Springs
family. My family has called Desert Springs our Church home for over 16 years. Our
children and Robyn and I have grown up here. From my family and myself I cannot
express how much I appreciate and have a deep and heartfelt appreciation for your
prayers and the support that you have provided to us during this difficult time.
To all, thank you once again on behalf of my mother and my family, for coming
and “celebrating my father, Charles J. Dyer’s life.”