End of the Year Notes – Gifting

Much has been written about strategies for taking advantage of the historically unprecedented $5,120,000 exclusion from gift taxes that is available for gifts during 2012.  Time is running out on the ability to make and document such gifts before the end of the year. Of course the furor is all about what happens if the [...]

Observations From The Trenches: Logical Estate Planning

Over my many years practicing law I have become a niche lawyer concentrating on estate planning. A growing part of my estate planning practice involves administration of trusts and estates. An inevitable part of trust or estate administration is resolving contested matters. Unhappily, a large number of those disputes become litigated matters instead of models [...]

Four Good Reason For Formal Updating

“Formal Updating” refers to meeting with your attorney periodically on a set schedule to determine if any changes should be made to your trust. There are four (4) principal reasons why this is important: Changes in the law. Both the federal tax law and state laws on issues such as asset protection, beneficiary rights, [...]